Winter Bath Advice/Argan Oil Review
So while I can’t change the temperature, there are a few things I can do to cope with the skin-cracking, soul-sucking, outfit-ruining weather for the next few months.
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Vitamin C Oil: A Testimonial
Using Vitamin C oil also helps to eliminate the need to excess product on your face. Since the oil itself is naturally moisturizing, the need for an additional moisturizer or primer is unnecessary.
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A review of Air Repair's "travel kit"
I didn’t know it then but the products in that case would become essential to my everyday routine during both the day and night.
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August beauty wish list
The dark circles appear as though someone took a sharpie to your face in the middle of the night and the bags under your eyes aren’t even Chanel.
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Summer Beauty: July wish list
Just when you think to yourself “Ok, I think I have everything I need,” something else pretty and shimmery and smelling like roses hits the beauty market and awaits your purchase.
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6 ways to style your day-2 hair
But here’s the thing:
that’s all well and fine and dry shampoo helps absorb oil at your roots…
but then what? Leave it hanging? What if it looks powdery and lame?
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Things that make you feel really clean
Ok there is literally, figuratively, emotionally nothing like having clean hair and a blow out.
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Review: BioRepublic Skincare green tea detox mask
Don’t get me wrong, the results felt nice but the process of getting the mask out of the packaging, unraveling it (ripping it), getting it on my face and stopping it from sliding around was a hefty task.
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Review: Oribe Gold Lust Dry Shampoo
The biggest downside to this whole Birchbox thing is knowing how wonderful certain (expensive) products are.
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Pre-spring break tips for looking and feeling good
If, however, you have been on social media then I can only assume your feed has been a conglomerate of posts like “Throwback to Cabo, can’t wait to be here in a week” and “The only thing getting me through this week is knowing I’ll be *here* in a few days.”
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Makeup problems and their solutions
If you wear makeup then chances are you have run into an instance when you have said to yourself or someone else, “My makeup didn’t do what I wanted it to do today.”
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Alternative gifts for Valentine's Day
In less than a week, we will all witness what can only be described as a love-fest covered in chocolate strawberries, flowers and sappy Instagram posts. This holiday is a great excuse to eat sweets (regardless of whether you’re in a relationship or not) and literally, stop and smell the roses.
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Beauty, food and fashion tips for surviving the winter
Well, it’s that time of year again: the temperature drops, the air dries out and we all become a strange semblance of who we once were. Our complexion becomes a shade grayer than it should be, our skin cracks and comfort food becomes incredibly appealing.
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This vs. that: Eyeliner
We've all been in one of those moments: when you are standing in Sephora, two items in hand, trying to recall the balance of your bank account, but knowing you are only financially allowed to buy one of the two products lying limply in your palm.
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New buys I wonder how I lived without
Usually I experience these moments in relation to some form of pizza but this post is strictly dedicated to beauty products.
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Last minute beauty gifts
For all the moms and dads out there: here are the beauty gifts your kid forgot to ask for.
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Decompressing from finals
They should really start calling it “finals 10-day period” instead because that’s how long it usually lasts but, I get it, it’s not as catchy. I see your point.
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Beauty/health tips for finals week
If this is your first finals week in college, congratulations! You will watch what can only be described as a Discovery Channel documentary of the disintegration of your face and body over a 10-day period of time.
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8 Non-beauty beauty essentials
10-Minute makeup routine
You know those mornings when you know you got 8 hours of sleep and are just...still tired? So naturally you lay in bed and procrastinate getting ready for class/work/life.
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Beauty products I swear by: part (probably) one
Some of these products I have recently discovered and some I have been using for years. Some are high-end and some are drugstore brand (yeah, that rhymed, I’m a songwriter). Either way, these are the products to which I am forever loyal.
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The commuter's guide to beauty tools
*Introduction about how I interned in New York City last summer in the fashion industry*
Long story short, I spent a lot of time on trains, subways, taxis, Ubers, you name it. Read more... |
An average "treat yourself" day
Ok, yes, "treating yo'self" is kind of hard in college, what with the lack of beauty resources, quality food, and relaxation/down time. But somehow we all manage.
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