Hey, kids.
This morning I am annoyed. I was casually enjoying my Instagram stories this morning when I came across something that was extremely problematic. After watching the first few clips of a KKW Insta-story, a new clip began with Kim asking Kendall to repeat herself and Kendall saying something to the effect of “I’m worried you aren’t eating,” only to have Kim laugh it off, Kendall to say how skinny she looks and Kim to passionately thank her. IIIIIIII have a couple of questions. No, actually, I don’t. I just have something to say. Having someone accuse you of not eating because you look skinny and then saying “thank you” is something... we have all probably done. I’m not going to pretend to be a politically correct angel because we’ve all likely done it. The PROBLEM is posting that exchange to your 114 MILLION followers, most of whom, I assume, are women. The message that this clip sent to her followers is that you need to look like you are starving yourself in order to receive a compliment on your body… that people need to express concern over your health in order for you to be beautiful. Am I being a lot? Am I off? Am I taking this too far? Regardless, I was FLOORED that someone who I actually really admire would post something like this publically. Moving on…
Hey, kids.
I was in Europe for two weeks and didn’t have access to a computer (lmao poor me) so this is my first aggregated post in SOME time. Here’s what I learned in Italy: one dresses one’s salad ONLY with oil and vinegar, one must ask specifically for ground pepper, one must be mindful of one’s footwear whilst walking around and, finally, one must eat all the tomatoes one can before returning to America because DAMN. In London it was a different story: iced coffee is crap, tea is amazing, Harry Potter studios *will* make you cry (unless you’re heartless idk), Harrod’s is like no other shopping experience on earth and vinegar is best suited atop fried cod and *chips* (aka fries but who am I to say for sure). IT WAS AMAZON PRIME DAY earlier this week and I bet you’re thinking “she’s a fashion-y girl, I get she took advantage of the sales.” Yes, kids, yes I did. But plot twist, my purchases had nothing to do with fashion. What did I get? A microphone and a laptop stand. That’s right, angels, I’m about to sing my heart out while ALSO being heart healthy and not sitting on my rear all day, everyday. Amazing. So healthy. Finally, yesterday I learned that tea stains your teeth just as much as coffee. That feels unfair. Whatever, that’s my update.
This week I began the re-launch for the JBD site into something that felt more... me. For the last 2 years I followed a path that felt disingenuous; pretending to be the kind of blogger I just wasn't. Maybe this version of the site won't feel like me in a few months, but it feels right for now. Thank you for following along.
IG POST: @end.magazine
UPDATESMy favorite recent internet content (i.e. articles, memes, songs, vids & pix)